Here you can find all the most popular and interesting life size replicas of items from your favorite movies or video games. If some model isn't listed, you can order it, by contacting us. Here you can also find a lot of miniatures.
Prices aren't fixed, feel free to make an offer or contact us, and we will make a special listing for you.
Happy buying.
If you don't get your item in 60 days from the day you made a purchase, we guarantee your money will be refunded. You can request a refund via email or social networks linked bellow with an issue, we will check the tracking info and refund your money if you didn't get your item. Refund will be made through the same form of payment used for purchase.
If you are not satisfied with the item received or you got it broken, contact us via email and social network links attached in the site with a pictures provided as proof and you can return the model. Your money will be refunded. Product can be opened in order to check it, but you have to pack it on your own when you return it.
Return shipping costs are due to the customer. No other costs are attached to the customer. If you have any other issues with your item, please contact us, we will respond promptly. Our goal is all the customers to be satisfied and you will certainly get best service here.
Legal Notice--**This are not an officially licensed products and are only considered FAN ART, the items are 3D Printed and assembled by us. Fan Art is protected under Fair Use. If you have any concerns, please contact us before placing any reports with Etsy.****This products never must be considered as an official merchandise. ****I do not claim any ownership of the items design and this models are handmade replicas made specifically for cosplay and entertainment purposes.**